PHOTO COURTESY | Branden Harvey

PHOTO COURTESY | Branden Harvey

With more and more millennials skipping out on annual health exams in favor of a quick as needed, visit to an urgent care facility, doctors fear the largest generation in America, may overlook serious health issues. There are 83 million Americans between age 22 and 37 and according to a November 2018 survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 45% of those 18-29 and 28% of those age 30-39 do not have a primary care physician. The issue is that health conditions that can be caught early may slip through the cracks. Dr. Niket Sonpal, Adjunct Assistant Professor at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine in New York City, offers 5 health exams millennials should get this year.

Dr. Sonpal, who at age 36 is a millennial himself, has compassion and understanding when it comes to millennials. “You’re looking at a generation with incredible debt and many don’t have jobs with health insurance,” he says. 

In addition to the financial aspect, Dr. Sonpal adds that this is a generation raised on the internet. “When we got sick as kids, our mom searched for answers online. If we went to the doctor, it was a day of missed school and boring waiting rooms. Now as adults, millennials want, fast affordable solutions and often take a DIY approach to health.”

He goes on to say that healthcare has become an expensive hassle millennials choose to avoid. They would much rather facetime or text a doctor as opposed to miss work hours. They prefer to just walk into an urgent care clinic, pay $40 and be done with it, fast. “The problem though is that while this approach may be ok for treating a sore throat or flu, millennials might be missing an opportunity to nip a bigger problem early on.”

I want to urge all millennials women to get women’s wellness exams which is a PAP Smear and breast exam as well as a screening for STD’s and bloodwork. HPV, can lead to cervical cancer so it’s important to monitor dysplasia.

Dr. Sonpal encourages millennials to get these exams out of the at either the start of the year or their birthday month so they can easily remember when they last went to the doctor for these exams.

1. Blood Pressure Screenings

You want to get blood pressure checked out at least once every 2 years and ever year if the top number is 120 to 139 and bottom between 80 to 89. High blood pressure is linked to diabetes which is really hitting millennials hard. According to the CDC, between 2001 and 2015 teen obesity rates rose 30%. “As kids, millennials were part of a supersize culture. Millennials also didn’t spend a lot of time going outside to play until the streetlights came on as Gen X’ers did. This all adds up to diabetes and heart disease if not monitored,” he says.

2. Eye Exams

Millennials were raised on technology and their eyes are reaping the cost of this. It’s estimated that millennials spend over 12 hours per day consuming media with a majority of it on mobile devices on screens held closer to the eye. This leads to “nearsightedness” or “shortsightedness” where the eye weakens and can’t see clearly at a distance. A lot of millennials will find themselves squinting to see things that are further away, they may have dull headaches and find themselves rubbing their eyes frequently. “A lot of millennials are popping ibuprofen for headache associated with eye strain and neck ache from prolonged computer jobs. This then leads to stomach issues,” cautions Dr. Sonpal.

3. IBS and Digestive Screenings

We also need to consider that the food we eat today is full of antibiotics and hormones. Millennials are a generation whose diet was primarily full of processed foods. We see a lot of Celiac Disease (intolerance of gluten). A study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, found that from the mid-80s to 2013, the incidence of colon cancer has been rising fastest for people between the ages of 20 and 29, by 2.4 percent per year. “The issue here is that we have millennials self-treating stomach issues that can be the start of something serious. If you’re experiencing chronic stomach pain, see a doctor. Gut health is incredibly important for overall wellbeing,” advises Dr. Sonpal.

4. Mental Health Screening

Millennials are one stressed out generation. According to Psychology Today, suicide rates among young adults have tripled since the 50’s with millennials are reporting a sense of “faking it until they make it.” The problem is they feel disconnected from themselves and wrong for the life they are living. They feel as if they are not enough and then they scroll on their Instagram feeds and see people their age with luxury watches, travel to the Maldives and Dubai and they feel hopeless, stressed and depressed.  They’re popping Xanax and smoking marijuana to take the edge off. The good news is that millennials are willing to discuss their feelings and studies show that this is the first generation who doesn’t see any stigma about seeing a therapist or mentor coach. Sometimes a break up or a layoff can trigger a downward spiral into depression or even drug or alcohol addiction.

5. Annual Exam and Immunizations

It’s recommended that you get the flu shot every year. Another important vaccine is for HPV which was mentioned earlier. Dr. Sonpal points out that the HPV vaccine has expanded coverage and is important to prevent certain types of cancer. Other vaccines may also be recommended depending on your health history. The only way you know is by having a yearly physical.

Read more from the latest issue of Athleisure Mag.




Nike SB


When it comes to looking at the iconic nature of Nike's Dunk SB (created in 2002) which is considered a basketball court staple, it also has street cred when it comes to skate and streetwear as well. Known as the early catalyst of sneaker culture, this shoe has has a number of iterations and collaborations!

This book serves as a living archive which has been enjoyed by celebrities, included in competitions around the world and heralded for their signature designs that is also high in performance.

Throughout this coffee table book, fans will see iconic styles, colorways deemed signatures and of course, its craftsmanship of the brand.



Joel Gamoran

Harper Wave

Joel Gamoran, star of the A&E series Scraps and the National Chef of Sur La Table, releases Cooking Scrappy: 100 Recipes to Help You Stop Wasting Food, Save Money, and Love What You Eat. You'll look at the ingredients in your kitchen in a different way in a cookbook that has 150 colorful photographs and 100 recipes.

In this book, you'll see that disconnected leftovers in your fridge can actually be components of ingredients to make your next best thing that you are about to make for friends and family. In addition, he showcases how tools in your kitchen can pull double duty.

Ultimately, readers understand that being resourceful allows them to reduce waste and to optimize their resources. This style of cooking is not only environmentally sound but economical and is one that is sustainable in a way that many are looking to tackle.



Sarah Jane Carter

Creative Designs and Artwork

When it comes to take a mental break, there is something about having a coloring book for adults that is always nearby, whether on your nightstand or in your tote bag.

In this coloring book, you can enjoy creating colorful embellishments of an array of pictures from animals, mandalas, flowers, paisley patterns, and so much more. The act of coloring allows the creator to focus on something besides their day to day work, reduce their stress, focus on their artistic pleasures and add complexities to their work in the manner that they choose whether using crayons, oil paints, color pencils or water colors.

We suggest taking this on your next flight and collecting an array of her color books any time you need an element of escapism to reconnect yourself with what you are working on.

Read more from the Dec Issue of Athleisure Mag and see Bingley Books in mag.