Acne is a skin condition that occurs when the hair follicles are filled with large amounts of oil and dead skin cells. In fact, suffering from acne does not just affect a person’s self-esteem and self-image, but it can also be an indicator that you need to make certain changes to your lifestyle. It is your body urging you to take better care of your health. There are different acne treatments out there. Some of them you might have tried with little to no results. This is mostly due to the fact that you do not fully understand what type of acne you have and, thus, are unable to identify the best way to deal with it.

Here are some tips, as well as acne treatments, that work wonders.

1. Identify your acne


The very first step to treating acne is identifying what type of acne you have. Different types of acne have different causes and thus need to be treated differently.

a.    Hormonal acne

Hormonal acne comes around at a certain time of the month when your hormones are fluctuating. You can identify hormonal acne by the fact that it is usually a sprinkling of zits around the bottom half of your face seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

b.    Whiteheads and blackheads

Both of these acne types are a result of clogged pores. You might be wondering what exactly clogs your pores and the answer to that is the oil your face secretes. The difference is that whiteheads have thin film covering the oil while blackheads occur in larger pores which allow the trapped oil to oxidize and have that black color

c.    Inflammatory acne

Everyone is familiar with this kind of acne. Whether it is a large pimple with pus trapped inside or smaller pimples that are inflamed and painful, this type of acne is caused by bacteria on the face.

d.    Cystic acne

Cystic acne is mainly caused due to genetic or oil gland issues and cannot be treated with the usual acne treatments such as antibiotics or gels.

2. Medicines used

After understanding the different kinds of acne, you can take the necessary steps to treat your case. Most of these cases of acne can be treated using simple over-the-counter topical creams and lotions that contain certain active ingredients. Usually, an effective treatment will include retinoid, which comes in the form of gels, creams, and lotions. You will also find a range of antibiotics to treat inflammatory acne which is, as mentioned above, the result of bacteria. Salicylic acid, which is found in a range of grains and comes in liquid form that you can apply topically to the area you have acne in one to two times a day for the desired results. In fact, some medicines include a couple of these substances at the same time to rid you of acne as quickly as possible.

3. Alternative methods

After identifying what kind of acne you have, you might be surprised to find out that the medication listed above won’t have satisfactory results. You do not have to lose hope though, because there are some alternative methods to get rid of your acne once and for all.

a.    Supplements


Taking supplements to get rid of acne is one of the most popular alternative methods used by people. This is because taking alternative supplements that contain vitamins, such as vitamins A, C, and D, is quite beneficial for your skin. Not only will they help with any acne on your body, but they will also regulate your body’s functions and give you stronger immunity to help fight off any bacteria and viruses.

b.    Laser therapy

Laser therapy is another method that people use to get rid of both acne and acne scars that are left over from past breakouts. It can be quite expensive, however, to go for sessions regularly so people usually choose to undergo laser therapy as a last resort.

c.    Dieting

Believe it or not, dieting can help you with acne. Acne can sometimes be caused by an excess of oil secretions which is a result of eating junk food regularly. Limiting your intake of unhealthy food and allergens, such as berries and chocolate, will have a serious effect on acne-prone skin

4. Home treatments

If you do not want to use medication, you can also try home treatments that have a noticeable success rate.

a.    Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar, like most kinds of vinegar, has antibacterial properties, so applying a generous amount of inflammatory acne will kill bacteria and make the pimples go down at a faster rate.

b.    Natural masks

One of the most popular masks to make at home is a honey and cinnamon mask. Both of these ingredients, which most people readily have at home, are antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidants. This means that they work wonders on your skin after a couple of applications.

c.    Tea tree oil

Although more on the expensive side, tea tree oil is a natural remedy that works well to give your skin a luminous and smooth look.

d.    Green tea

Green tea can be used on your skin in two ways. You can first brew the tea and leave it to reach room temperature. Then you can apply it onto your skin using a spray bottle. You can use the leaves to make a green tea and honey mask to calm down any inflammation and get rid of acne-causing bacteria.

e.    Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is found in many face creams and lotions already, but you can use its pure form on your skin just like green tea to decrease inflammation.

These are some of the best ways to deal with any type of acne you might have. Do not be afraid to experiment with different natural treatments and supplements at the same time to ensure that you are free from any acne that you might be suffering from. No matter what, rest assured that using these treatments will ensure that your face remains acne-free for a very long time to come if used regularly.

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Courtesy of Blume Skin & Body




Unless you have been living under a rock, you know that smoking, not wearing sunscreen and going to bed with your makeup on hardly produces the coveted look of Instagram’s “glass skin.”  Aside from these three ‘skin sins’ there are many others that are not so obvious. We turned to Denver Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Manish Shah who is a big believer in pre-juvenation and a holistic approach to youth.   

Inconsistent Dieting

“Many people think caring for your skin is skin-deep,” quips Dr. Shah. “It is not.“ Inconsistent or inadequate nutrition that has your body mass and weight moving in a yo-yo motion up and down the scale can contribute to ruined elasticity and reduced collagen in the skin. This is part of the reason why specialists will recommend a two-pound maximum weight loss goal per week because your skin needs time to adapt to the loss of mass. Dr. Shah explains that the skin needs to be nourished from the inside as well and many of the trend diets like keto and paleo focus on one group of food and though it can help keep a caloric deficit, it can also create a deficit of the necessary vitamins and minerals you need to keep your skin looking healthy.

Drinking Too Much Coffee

“Excessive amounts of caffeine can increase the levels of insulin and cortisol in the system,” explains Dr. Shah.  Insulin increases inflammation and cortisol is known as the stress hormone. This combination could mix up your sleeping habits and contribute to continued stress which can lead to sleep deprivation. “Sleep deprivation prevents that regenerative rest our skin and mind need to stay healthy.”

Neglecting the Skin Around Your Eyes

"The skin around your eyes is the thinnest and has very few oil glands," says Dr. Shah. Pamper your eyes and stave off signs of aging by choosing a daily eye cream that includes peptides. Dr. Shah explains, “They work to stimulate collagen production and prevent fine lines. Be sure to check the label.” Other notable ingredients that reduce puffiness, lines, wrinkles, and under eye circles are caffeine and nicotinic acid (a form of the B vitamin niacin).

Expecting Instant Results from Beauty Treatments

Most of us are guilty of trying a face cream or anti-aging treatment once or twice and then giving up on it before it has had a chance to work. A majority of anti-aging treatments take up to a month to begin showing positive effects. Dr. Shah explains, “This is due to the cycle of your skin, which undergoes a period of cellular structure renewal over a span of 30 days. In our instant gratification mode, we often toss a product before giving it time to work.”

Taking Medications With Side-Effects on the Skin

Certain medications like corticosteroids for asthma and arthritis cause the skin to thin and weakens blood vessels. Medicine to treat seizures can cause heightened sensitivity to sun damage in the skin which is a common perpetrator in premature aging. Blood pressure medications that block calcium channels have been studied in relation to their inhibition of collagen production by obstructing the absorption of vitamin C by the cells. Vitamin C is an important part of collagen production.  “If these medications are being prescribed to you by your physician then the benefits outweigh their effect on collagen production. There is no need to stress over this, as long as you take care of your skin in other ways you should be fine,” explains Dr. Shah.

Consuming Excessive Amounts of Salt

“By all measures, an excess of salt in your diet is detrimental to your kidneys, your cardiovascular health and, yes, your skin,” says Dr. Shah. Salt absorbs moisture and it can aid in making your skin look dry and less vibrant. Reducing your sodium intake and sticking to a moisturizing routine should help your skin stay healthy and smooth.

Facial Expressions

Every time you move that beautiful face, your skin wrinkles a little bit. Most of the time your face bounces back and those little wrinkles disappear once new skin cells grow.


While you may think that soap is your skin’s best friend, this is actually not the case. The reason for this is that your skin has an acid mantle which is a natural protective barrier of the skin. When you wash with soap – which is generally alkaline – it can remove this protective layer of oils and dry out the skin, eventually leading to wrinkles. Dr. Shah says that “While it is not advisable to stop washing entirely, try swapping the soap for a PH-neutral and chemical-free cleanser, and bear in mind that there is such a thing as over-cleansing your skin.”

Tugging on Your Skin While Applying or Removing Makeup

To minimize the damage to the skin around your eyes, follow these quick tips from Dr. Shah:

Use your ring finger to pat on products around your eyes, including serums, oils, moisturizers, and concealers. Your ring finger is the least likely to pull or tug at your skin.

Apply eyeliner and eyeshadow by gently closing your eyelids, rather than by pulling them taut. If you’re struggling to apply without pulling, consider investing in products that are made to apply smoothly, like cream or gel formulas.

Have patience when removing makeup from the eye area. Use cotton or another soft product, coated well with your favorite makeup removing solution. Hold the cotton over your closed eye without wiping, allowing the product to break down the makeup. After a minute or so, wipe gently to remove the makeup.

Picking Your Skin

You're not a dermatologist or licensed aesthetician. You should not be picking at your pimples, ingrown hairs, or anywhere else on your face. It's one of the biggest assaults against your skin and can have permanent effects. "The more people press and manipulate blemishes, the more inflammation they create underneath," explains Dr. Shah. "The result is scars, pockmarks, and discoloration that can become permanent.”

Licking Your Lips Constantly

There's a myth out there that claims people can get addicted to lip balm. "These people just have dry skin and miss the feeling of the balm when it's gone," says Dr. Shah. Lip licking can become a bad habit. But when you moisten your lips that way, you actually wind up making things worse. The water in your saliva evaporates, leaving lips dry and cracked. "Saliva can contain bacteria and irritants, so you can end up with a rash around the lips as well," says Dr. Shah. Try a lip balm such as Burt's Bees 100% Natural Moisturizing Lip Balm, Original Beeswax with Vitamin E & Peppermint Oil.

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