We're all about making sure that as you're working out, whether it's maintaining or to lose weight that it's done in the healthiest way possible! For those that have a little to lose, there are options that could make sense for you. We took a moment to chat with plastic surgeon, Dr Julius Few of the Few Institute in Chicago and NY to talk about Cool Sculpting and Venus Freeze. These systems assist in taking care of the last few pesky inches that seem to escape you when you're close to the goal.
ATHLEISURE MAG: What are the most effective body sculpting treatments?
DR. JULIUS FEW: Cool Sculpting is the number one non-surgical fat reducing, contouring technology on the market. It creates permanent fat reduction. We have extensive experience with this technology and find it extremely effective and associated with a high level of patient satisfaction. We use “dual sculpting” to create the desired contour in half the time. At the Few Institute, we find the use of Venus Legacy and Venus Freeze can help tighten loose, sagging skin on the body to further the desired body contouring need.
AM: Who is the best candidate for each type of body sculpting treatment?
DR. JF: The best candidate for contouring is a man or woman close to their ideal body weight, living a healthy lifestyle with good skin tone. If there is a small area of unwanted fat, like the love handles or lower belly, in an otherwise shapely person, the effect of Cool Sculpting is quite powerful.
AM: What is the approximate cost of each type?
DR. JF: Cool Sculpting starts at $1,500 for a small area of treatment. Venus Freeze starts around $1,000.
AM: When should someone expect to see results?
DR. JF: One typically starts to see results as early as 6 weeks, but the optimal improvement is 3 months.
AM: Are certain body areas more likely to get better results than others?
Dr Julius Few
DR. JF: The outer thighs, lower abdomen, and love handles have shown the most dramatic results in our experience.
AM: Does age play a factor in effectiveness?
DR. JF: Age is relative, as we have seen women in their 50’s with great skin tone and elasticity. They get great results and the outcome is comparable to what we have seen in 22 years olds. In general, as someone gets older, the skin quality does get looser, and less elastic, making the fat contouring treatment less powerful.
AM: What happens to the skin when a patient undergoes Venus Freeze?
DR. JF: The skin becomes tighter after Venus Freeze treatments, potentially enhancing the effects of Cool Sculpting to make a smoother, smaller waistline.
AM: How long does the patient see the effects of Cool Sculpting/Venus Freeze?
DR. JF: If the patient is good about maintaining healthy lifestyle and weight, the results are permanent.
AM: Post the treatments, is a patient able to exercise and do other activities?
DR. JF: The are no restrictions after, a major advantage over surgical offerings.
AM: How often would one need to continue to do the treatments for long terms results?
DR JF: Because the skin continues to age over time, at the Few Institute we recommend patients do 1 to 2 annual maintenance treatments to maintain skin tightness. There is no need for maintenance with Cool Sculpting, as there is permanent fat reduction.
AM: Is there anything else you'd like to add?
DR. JF: It is really important to consider “Stackable Treatments,” where both Venus Freeze and Cool Sculpting are combined in those patients who have looser skin and want to reduce unwanted fat for body contouring.
Read more from the June Issue