PHOTO CREDIT | Disney/Ricky Middlesworth
The first night is over and now, we’re in the thick of starting the journey on The Golden Bachelorette as we watch Joan Vassos navigate the next few weeks!
We see the guys settle into the mansion and we learn that Pascal sleeps in the nude! There will be 2 Group Dates and then 1 1-on-1 date. Jesse Palmer tells them that that if you go on the 1-on-1 date and you don’t get a rose, you will be going home. He gives them a Date Card rose and we find out that Gary, Bob, Jonathan, Charles L, Mark, Jordan, Guy, and Keith will be on the Group Date. They go to the other room and see that they will be going to the Prom. There are clothes on a rack as they put together their suits for the date. Pascal helping Charles L get ready is pretty cute to see. They head to the venue in a party limo and Joan is excited for their Senior Senior Prom. She feels that prom brings you back to your first dance, first kiss, and first love. They enter and there are other guests that are there to celebrate the 1st Golden Prom. Jessie lets them know that they all want to know who will be crowned the Prom King and will receive the First Date Rose. Taylor Dane performs for them. She also spends time with each of them to know more about their backgrounds, how they grew up, and more. You also hear a few stories that sound a bit sad as it has a bit of their trauma so elements of this are a bit of a healing moment.
Back at the house, the next Date Card arrives and Chock gets the 1-on-1 Date Card! That means the remainder (Charles K, Christopher, Dan, Gil, Gregg, Jack, Pascal, and Michael) of the men will be on the 2nd Group Date! Back at Prom, The Prom King is Jonathan which is so sweet!
It’s the next day and we see the guys enjoying the house, doing cannonballs, Gregg doing Pascal’s laundry and just enjoying life. Chock gets ready for his date which will be at The Happiest Place On Earth - Disneyland! Rocjing their ears and meeting Mickey and Minnie is so cute! Interesting that she wasn’t sure whether Chock would be fun or childlike and wanted him on this date so that she could see that - smart! She lets him know that she is having fun with him and they talk about what they love about Disneyland.
At the night portion of their date, Joan is dressed like Disney Princess Joan with her Cinderella-inspired dress and Chock looks dapper. They talk about how their partners before they died let them know that they needed to continue on and find a partner. She gives him the rose and they go out and see the fireworks with the other guests at the park.
Back at the house, we see the men taking care of the house fixing things that are broken! The second Date Card arrives and Chock lets them know that this date will be a Talent Show and they take some time to practice their skills. We all get to see Joan’s talent show experience when she was on The Golden Bachelor! Loni Love comes out as the guest judge that will do this alongside Joan and Jesse. The winner of this group date will get a 1-on-1 dinner with her!
The men share their talents - Pascal did a fun bob in 3 minutes, Charles K broke a board, people sang, did standup, and more. You could tell that the men showed Joan that they wanted to be there and they cared about her even if their talents weren’t traditional! The winner of the talent show is Dan!
Dan and Joan have their evening portion of their date. Joan lets him know how brave it was for him to share his trimmer with everyone. The remainder of the men return to the house. The men realize that Kim is sad that he didn’t have that 1-on-1 time. Back on the date, Dan receives the rose.
She gets to hang out with all of the men at a BBQ at the mansion and spends time with everyone! She gets to play games as well as spend time with each of them to find out more! After all the fun and games, it’s time for the Rose Ceremony. She;s sad that she will have to let some men go, but knows that they will be ok and that the situation is just unfortunate.
JOAN GAVE ROSES TO | Charles K, Charles L, Chock, Dan, Gary, Gil, Gregg, Guy, Jonathan, Jordan, Keith, Kim, Pascal, and Mark
JOAN DIDN’T GIVE ROSES TO | Bob, Christopher, Jack, and Michael
Each night during this season, we will tweet about The Golden Bachelorette and you can chat along with us (@AthleisureMag + with our Co-Founder/Creative + Style Director, Kimmie Smith @ShesKimmie) to see what’s taking place!
Each week we will let you know who our faves were from the last episode and if we’ve changed up since then as it pertains to who we think should go to Hometowns.
We also suggest a podcast that we’ve become obsessed with over the past few seasons, Wondery’s Bachelor Happy Hour to get their feedback!
Read the latest issue of Athleisure Mag.