PHOTO CREDITS | ABC The Bachelorette/Gizelle Hernandez
Okay now, we have a back-to-back night of ABC’s The Bachelorette! Definitely looking forward to what’s happening as last week’s clips showed an interesting season! We are back with Rachel Recchia Gabby Windey, Jesse Palmer and the remaining men in Mexico! We know that there will be overnights and this is the weekend that things went topsy turvy for both women when we they were in Clayton’s season.
The ladies catch up to talk about the decisions that they have to make. Rachel likes Tino, but she can’t shake the fact that his parents were not her biggest fans. She knows that he does care for her because he said that he was falling in love with her. She feels that she needs clarity on him. WIth Zach, she knows that the pieces are there and that she has never been left in the dark with him. She doesn’t feel like she is ready to commit to him. She really likes Aven and knows that they have a great foundation with one another. She’s nervous because she hasn’t told him how she feels about him. She knows that he is falling in love with her, but she was too nervous to say it back.
Gabby loves her connection with Jason and feels that he is the most emotionally available. She is falling for him, but she doesn’t know if he is with her! She has so much fun with Johnny, but she feels that they are in different places in their lives. She also had great banter with Erich and she let him know that she is falling in love with him - just like he is with her!
Fantasy Suites will take place this week and both are prepared to fall in love this week. Gabby and Erich are up first and enjoy swimming in this lagoon. They jump off of this structure with various heights which definitely would make us scared. They eventually take the big leap and we continue on with the next portion of their date with the dinner where they can get to know more about one another. Erich lets her know that he is in love with her and doesn’t want to leave Mexico without her. She lets him know that she is falling in love with him. They take another leap by going to the Fantasy Suites together.
We catch up with Rachel as it’s time for her overnight date. She kicks it off with Aven! We also see Tino looking upset that she will be on dates and that he can’t imagine her doing any overnights with anyone! Aven and Rachel are on a yacht laying around and getting to know one another. They talked about Aven’s Hometown and he lets her know that his parents liked her and accepted her. Rachel acknowledges that they made her feel that way!
Jesse checks in with Tino to see what his thoughts are. Tino says that waiting when you’re not getting a date card is a tough situation. Tino lets Jesse know that their Hometown was great, but his parents left her with a feeling that wasn’t the best for her. Tino feels the process is worth it; however, he knows his parents definitely added some drama to the situation - especially his father! He tells Jesse that he has fallen in love with Rachel since Bruge! He feels his family will have an effect on her decision.
The day date portion of Rachel and Aven’s day continues to the evening when they get to know more about one another. She lets him know that she was nervous to respond that she felt the same way. She explains that on her last journey, the love word was thrown around carelessly. She finally tells Aven that she is falling in love with him. She also knows that he is ready to be engaged. He reads the Fantasy Suites card and of course, they make their way there! They wake up the next day and Rachel lets us know that Aven is the whole package!
Rachel’s next date is with Tino. She continues to think about the fact that his family was not receptive of her and she wants to talk with him about it later that night! They ride horses and sit near a pool to talk about the past couple of days. Tino acknowledges that the night portion of their Hometowns didn’t go the way expected. We hear in Rachel’s confessional that if she’s not feeling it, she doesn’t see a path forward. In his, he states that he hopes that they can enjoy their date, but when the night portion comes - he wants to be able to dig into the layers to tell her about it so that she can be happy and comfortable with everything that has transpired. As they settle into their dinner portion of the evening, Rachel tells him her experience being with his parents. She even highlights that his father really left an impression. They tell each other that they love one another and they partake in the Fantasy Suites.
We pick Gabby up with Johnny! They’re also on a boat known as the Moonshine as they lounge and continue to chat with one another. Although they are having a great date in the daytime, as they look at the ocean, she asks him if he’s prepared to be engaged. He doesn’t really answer and she feels that he is not ready to commit. Johnny says that he can’t commit and they part ways before continuing on the journey. Because she knows that they are in separate places, she sends him home.
While she sends Johnny home, Jesse asks if Jason is ready to get engaged and he says he isn’t. This is pretty tough ultimately for her.
Erich sends her a note asking to meet him on the bridge. At first, it’s a happy surprise, but he rehashes a conversation that they had in the Fantasy Suites - where he feels like this portion of the experience is cheating on him. Gabby feels defensive that they are going over this again and feels that he’s adding a negative spin on the time that she needs. She feels like he is testing her and she doesn’t like it!
Tomorrow, we’ll continue with the remainder of the Fantasy Suites to see how it all shakes out!
Each night during this season, we tweet about The Bachelorette and you can chat along with us (@AthleisureMag + with our Co-Founder/Creative + Style Director, Kimmie Smith @ShesKimmie) to see what’s taking place!
Each week we will let you know who our faves were from the last episode and if we’ve changed up since then as it pertains to who we think should go to Hometowns.
We also suggest a podcast that we’ve become obsessed with over the past few seasons, Wondery’s Bachelor Happy Hour to get their feedback!
Read the latest issue of Athleisure Mag.