PHOTO CREDIT | ABC The Bachelor/Gizelle Hernandez
Apparently, 22 years ago today, the first The Bachelor aired which was a historic moment for this series. In addition, tonight, apparently whatever happens with Joey Graziadei, will also be a first and historic as well! So with those notes from Jesse Palmer, it sets the tone for the rest of the night! We’ll be watching the finale as well as checking in with the studio audience for After The Final Rose! Joey walks us through his relationship with Kelsey as well as Daisy. You can tell that he has a lot of love for both women who are very different from one another.
We see that Joey’s family has assembled to assist him with his decision! He lets them know about the 32 women who were on his season and he fills them in each on woman. His mother, sisters, brother-in-law, and uncle are eager to meet the women, but also hesitant about what could happen to Joey as he finalizes his decision.
The first meeting is with Daisy and she shares her story on how they met, and how she arrived to the mansion. She shares what it has meant to be with him and says that a lot of that has to do with how he was raised and the support that he has from them. His sisters pull Daisy to the side to get to know more about her. They have great vibes from her and then they sit down with Joey to get more intel from him so that they can see how they make sense with one another.
Daisy and Joey’s mom also have a chat and you can see how they would get along with one another as well. It seems like everyone sees her as a fit.
Next up is Kelsey! They spend a moment together before they connect with his family. She feels the weight of what the day means and how important it is. You can see the ease between her and his family which is a great way to see how they could fit together. His sisters take time with her and they find out that marriage for her may not be something she is 100% ready for. But she also says that she could see herself marrying him. They like her and see how amazing she is and she has great energy; however, they have a concern about what it means in terms of her rediness in getting married. They note that Daisy is all in and ready, but Kelsey seems to have a bit of hesitancy. So now he knows he needs to have this conversation with her so he has clarity. They chat and it seems like he found the answers that he needed.
He takes Daisy out on a date as this is the final one before decision day. They have a spiritual date where they cleanse the spirits. Daisy wants to tell him that she loves him and she hurts because she feels that he is not sure of her as he is juggling 2 women at the same time. Daisy gets into her head as she wonders if it will be her ultimately. At their nighttime portion of the date, she decides she needs to get out of that headspace and tell him how she feels so that she is being 100% vulnerable so that he has all the information that he needs to make his decision. They talk about the date and what happened as well as how it made her feel. They also talk about how she felt meeting his family. She tells him that she loves him and she’s glad that he is in the loop on everything that she is feeling. She feels that she didn’t get the validation that she was looking for. But after hearing her say that, his responses to her are very measured as Daisy let us know in her confessional. She feels that if she had to be 100% honest, it will not be her.
So Daisy felt unsettled, but he has moved onto his date with Kelsey. It’s their last date as well as the final one he will have on this show. Their date is a spa date and they can enjoy this time together and to relax. It’s a fun date and you can see how easy it would be with them.
Back at Daisy’s, she’s feeling all the feels and not in the best way as she is thinking about the date that they must be having.
Back at Kelsey’s, they’re enjoying their nighttime together and the debrief on the date as well as what she felt when she met his family. In addition, they talk about her marriage response and why she answered it the way that she did. She tells him that she just wants to be with him.
Well, it’s decision time! We’ve been inching our way to this moment and yet there are still some twists and turns ahead. Neil Lane arrives and they select a ring and he talks about how he feels in this moment. We see Kelsey dressed and making her way to the spot; however, we see Daisy and realize that she has a lot of misgivings. She feels that her last date was a bit off and that he was trying to prepare her for the day.
It seems like Kelsey is on a mission and she makes her way to Kelsey’s room! We thought that she was going to Joey’s! They trade notes on their dates, getting validation, and how they feel. We can see how uncertain Daisy feels about everything is. But, ultimately, she says that she will follow it through because what is Kelsey is not the one chosen?
Back in Tulum, Joey is at the spot where conversations and a proposal will take place. Kelsey and Daisy arrive in the same car together! Daisy meets Joey first in her power red dress. They both talk about what they have enjoyed about the journey - while at home, we’re all shocked at these twists that have been peppered in this final episode. Daisy lets him know that she knows he will not pick her as she knows that she is not his person! She opts to walk out on her own without being walked out - power move in a power dress!
We can’t wait to see what happens and then we get to know a bit more in After the Final Rose! Joey is sad about what happened, but at the same time, he wasn’t going to choose Daisy so now he’s focused on Kelsey. They also talk about what loved about their experience together as they have gotten to know one another more. He tells her that he is choosing her and that he is in love with her as well! He gets down on a knee and proposes to her and she accepts! He also gives her the final rose!
Now that we have seen everything, we’re now in the After Show! We see Joey and Jesse says that he could not have imagined how the day would end for him. Daisy comes out and talks with Joey and Jesse about when she realized that it wouldn’t be her in the end. She mentions that when Rachel was sent home, she remembers seeing a look between Kelsey and Joey that let her know that they had a connection. She even remembers that when they threw the rock into the fire, she knew he couldn’t picture a future with her past that date. She felt validating in watching eveything that her intuition was right.
Seeing Kelsey and Joey together is great! You can see their connection and energy and now they can officially share with everyone! In addition, it is revealed that Jenn will be the next The Bachelorette which we’re so excited about!
Each night during this season, we will tweet about The Bachelor and you can chat along with us (@AthleisureMag + with our Co-Founder/Creative + Style Director, Kimmie Smith @ShesKimmie) to see what’s taking place!
Each week we will let you know who our faves were from the last episode and if we’ve changed up since then as it pertains to who we think should go to Hometowns.
We also suggest a podcast that we’ve become obsessed with over the past few seasons, Wondery’s Bachelor Happy Hour to get their feedback!
PHOTO CREDIT | The Bachelor Contestants/Richard Middlesworth
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