If you are approaching the ripe old age of seventy, or else are looking into how best to support the physical health and wellbeing of an older loved one in your life, it is important to bear in mind that the nutritional needs of an older person differ from younger ones.
With that being said, continue reading to learn of four key changes to make to your diet for the over seventies.
1. Avoid Consuming Empty Calories
Now, if you are physically fitter and healthier now than you ever were in your younger years, then this first point may not be as applicable to your own personal situation as the rest.
However, if you love, and indeed have always loved, junk food and candy bars, then you are unknowingly consuming an incredibly high volume of empty calories, which essentially means you are eating for no nutritional benefit whatsoever.
Some key examples of foods that are considered to be ‘empty calories’ include, amongst a host of others, the following:
· French fries
· Donuts
· Soft Drinks
· Cakes
· Candy Bars
· Alcohol
2. Avoid Skipping Meals
For some people, most colloquially referred to as ‘foodies’, the pleasure they gain from preparing and planning their evening meals is akin to nothing else, and if you are someone who loves everything to do with food, eating the right nutrients will be substantially easier.
However, if you are instead bored and uninterested in cooking and, moreover, tend to skip meals on a regular basis and favor high calories and unhealthy snacks instead, as they are more convenient, then this does need to change.
One of the overarching benefits of moving to a reputable senior living in Berkeley, CA village is that each and every resident benefits from delicious and nutritious, carefully prepared meals three times a day.
3. Drink More Liquids
As you may already be fully aware, an individual, regardless of age, often confuses hunger with dehydration and, as such, consumes more fatty foods than they need and fail to drink enough liquids.
However, as you get older, hydration becomes even more crucial, so from now on, you need to ensure you are drinking enough water, along with other liquids such as coffee or tea, soda and mineral water, and low-fat milk.
Drinking water is the best health tip you could possibly receive and has the following positive impacts on your body:
· Higher energy levels
· Reduced risk of developing headaches and migraines
· Healthier organs
· Moisturized and glowing skin
· A reduced appetite
4. Eat More Oily Fish
The fourth and final change to your diet you should strongly consider making, and the sooner, the better, is to introduce more oily fish into your diet.
Oily fish, such as mackerel, tuna, salmon, anchovies, and rainbow trout, provides a wide range of health benefits as, as with all species of fish containing long-chain, Omega-3 fatty acids, this can make a huge difference to the health of your heart and help to reduce the risk of stroke and heart attacks.