Being fit can be incredibly difficult, but it isn’t impossible. One can shed extra pounds by strictly following a fitness routine and consuming a balanced diet.
On the topic of nutrition, experts believe that incorporating a number of sips of oolong tea into your daily routine can positively impact your body and, by extension, your fitness journey.
Oolong Tea And How It Affects Your Fitness
If you’re not familiar with oolong tea, it’s a type of tea that’s produced using Camellia sinensis leaves, just like green and black tea. However, while black tea and green tea are at either end of the fermentation range, oolong sits right in the middle.
If you’re curious about the effects of oolong on your fitness journey, there’s excellent news for you! Oolong is a fantastic tea for fitness, particularly in the winter months. Antioxidants in oolong tea, which burn fat, also strengthen your immune system.
So, as you sit down to enjoy your steaming hot cup of oolong tea, keep reading below to learn about the other advantages and possible adverse impacts it has in store for your fitness and overall health.
1. Accelerated Weight Loss
In terms of its nutritional composition, oolong tea is a powerhouse of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals like epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), thearubigins, and theaflavins.
The tea boasts the ability to decrease cholesterol and combat obesity by accelerating metabolism, boosting fat mobilization, and limiting the growth of new fat cells. Additionally, properly brewed oolong tea boosts fat oxidation as well as calorie expenditure.
Yet the mentioned benefits can only be guaranteed by the consumption of quality oolong tea, such as the loose leaf oolong tea, from tea shops like The Rare Tea Company. Provided below is more information about the loose leaf oolong tea.
· Loose Leaf Oolong Tea
Loose Leaf Oolong Tea is the highest quality type you can buy, and is the most authentic tea you can drink. The range of oolongs at the Rare Tea Company are sourced directly from the tea producers, which is a more ethical business model than going through resellers, and means they receive higher quality tea as well.
PHOTO CREDIT | “Oolong Tea From”
2. Lowered Blood Sugar Levels
Oolong tea's polyphenols have been shown to reduce blood sugar levels. They also lessen insulin resistance, a disease in which the body misuses blood sugar. Both high blood glucose and insulin resistance are signs of diabetes as well as other illnesses like obesity.
Oolong tea can be extremely beneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetes who are trying to attain optimal fitness levels. Drinking oolong tea hastens the metabolism process of sugar, which maintains safe blood glucose levels.
3. Heightened Mental Alertness
You may feel more alert thanks to the caffeine in oolong tea. It can increase your energy and help you think more clearly.
Oolong has less caffeine than coffee and less sugar than other beverages. Experts believe that the energy surge from oolong tea lasts longer and diminishes gradually and steadily, making it an excellent pre-workout drink.
4. Increased Cognition
L-theanine, a very useful amino acid, is found in oolong tea. Research has proven that oolong tea consumption allows for better sleep, less anxiety, and increased cognition abilities. Drinking oolong tea can combat neurodegenerative illnesses too.
5. Improved Intestinal Microbial Flora
Numerous health issues, including inflammatory bowel illnesses, allergies, metabolic abnormalities, and liver disease, are brought on by unbalanced gut flora. When consuming a high-fat diet, oolong tea may promote and help improve the balance of good bacteria, resulting in accelerated progress in your quest to achieve fitness.
6. Enhanced Bone Health
While you may not frequently take this into account when considering the upsides, bone density is crucial for preventing osteoporosis and fractures – two conditions that can slow down the progress of your fitness training.
Luckily, oolong tea’s polyphenols may contribute to increased bone density and bone strength. Due to its role in the minerals' absorption, oolong tea could even be preferable to milk for adults who consume it to obtain calcium.
7. Increased Chances Of Experiencing Insomnia And Others
As outlined in the previous sections, oolong tea has a number of health benefits. But regrettably, it also carries some concerns.
Due to the high caffeine level of oolong tea, you may develop insomnia and other negative effects such as headaches, palpitations, tremors, nausea, and an accelerated heartbeat after some time, negatively affecting your fitness journey. To avert these side effects, consult with your physician before including oolong tea in your diet and monitor your intake.
In the feature above, a variety of the beneficial properties of oolong tea consumption have been outlined. Despite oolong tea’s potential adverse effects due to the caffeine in it enumerated earlier, moderate oolong tea consumption can be used as a helpful supplement to your fitness routine.