If you are planning to buy the best recurve bow, then you probably already know that not all bows are the same. A bow might be looking good to the eye or advertised to be the great but in reality, it just isn’t good enough. To be able to pick the best recurve bow there are certain things that you must consider. Here are some of the factors worth taking into account when looking for best recurve bows.
Task at hand
The first thing that you should have in mind is what you intend to do with the bow. Do you intend to use it for hunting or just for recreational target practice? For recreational purposes, any bow will do. Hunting, on the other hand, requires that the bow be strong and as efficient as possible. It should be able to operate fast while also maintaining high accuracy over a long distance. The standard recommended draw weight for a hunting bow is 35lbs. This is suitable for a small and medium-sized game such as antelope. For large-sized animals, you’ll need a bow with greater draw-weight. Your physique should also determine the draw weight that you choose. Go for what you can handle. You need to check the properties of the bow and decide whether they are in line with the job you need the bow for.
Draw span
The accuracy of the recurve bow is determined by its draw-length. The larger the length the more accurate the bow will be. You should pick a recurve bow with a draw-length that is at least twice your draw span.
The flexibility of the bow
Some recurve bows are fixed while some have adjustable parts hence can be considered to be more flexible than the latter. For instance, a take-down bow allows the user to adjust the draw weight as suitable. Instead of buying a new bow all you have to do is buy the set of parts with the draw length that you desire and replace the current parts. Flexibility does not only allow for an upgrade but also enables isolation and repair of any damaged parts. It comes in handy during storage and transportation too as you can dismantle the bow, transport it and then assemble it at the destination.
Your style
Go for the type of bow that best suits your style. If you want something sleek yet durable you can choose a wooden bow made of strong wood such as mahogany. If you prefer the modern type of bows you can buy a metallic bow even a carbon bow. While choosing from the wide variety available you should bear in mind that they all have their advantages and shortcomings. For example, the wooden ones are lighter compared to the ones made of aluminum hence they will need additional material for balance. The modern kinds of bows is made using advanced technologies hence some have the capability of supporting extra accessory such as the viewing scope.
The string
This is an essential part of the bow and will determine the degree of accuracy. A thin string will be fast and provide more accuracy but with a little impact. Thick string, on the other hand, will make the bow slow but with a huge impact on the target. For hunting a small animal like a rabbit which is swift it is recommended that you choose a recurve bow with a thin string. For larger animals like elk and deer you should go for a thicker string that can provide bone penetration. The strings also come in different colors, some of which reflect light so if you intend to go hunting in camouflage choose the dull colors.
Finger tab
The finger tab should be strong for durability purposes and also comfortable to provide a fluid shooting experience. Consider going for one with a finger divider as this is comfortable and provides a firm grip.
A recurve bow without an arrow is useless, whether it be for hunting or target practice. You need strong arrows that will not break on hitting the target. You can buy a mixture of light and heavy arrows to cater to the different shooting conditions that you will experience or buy ones that strike a fine balance between the two. Light arrows are fast but can deviate from the course when there are strong winds. Also, consider going for readily available arrows that can be replaced when the need arises.
Additional equipment
You might want to acquire other accessories such as stabilizers, bow stand, arrow puller and a quiver for your arrows. Do not invest heavily on this additional equipment if it’s your first time. You might end up buying the wrong stuff. This might also mean spending money on stuff you don’t need. Before going for extra things, at least make sure to get some advice from someone with more experience.
It goes without saying that you should opt for what you can afford. Most times quality and price do go hand in hand. This is not always the case though as some recurve bows are highly priced but in action they are not up to the task. You have to keenly inspect the product before you purchase it and consider its attributes. If you are a beginner go for the cheaper bows and parts so that in case of any damage or malfunction you can easily replace them. Make sure the quality is worth the price. Click here to find out more information and tips.
For whatever reason, you decide to get a bow you need the right one to get the job done right. Acquiring the best recurve bow can be a challenging task at times. You need to have knowledge about bows prior to buying one. Expert advice from experienced users can also come in handy at these times. Do not make any assumptions and always take your time while deciding which one to choose. Consider the factors above and you’ll make the right decision.